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Steam Generator Model IVI

Instman Field IVI Model – Steam Generator


Single-tube, water-tube steam generator with flue gas through concentric coils, useful for customers who need high-pressure steam but do not have space for a boiler room.

These boilers, having a very little volume of water, quickly reach service pressure, but on the contrary, as they have a small steam chamber, the demand for it must be very stable, for this reason, they are called instantaneous steam boilers.



The small volume of pressurized water/steam makes it possible to install it as a 1st class boiler, even at high pressures.

The coils are built in seamless carbon steel tube, in P-265GH quality, and can be supplied at the customer’s request in stainless steel,

Electric control panel with a double safety system for pressure and temperature.

The front of the generator is accessible through a hinged door for inspection and possible replacement of the coils.

Horizontal or vertical construction, at the customer’s request.


Horizontal or vertical construction, at the customer’s request.

The IVI steam generator forms a compact unit ready for commissioning with all the accessories of a recognized quality brand.

Designed for liquid/gaseous fuel combustion equipment.

Fuel economy for its small volume of water. Facilitating rapid commissioning.

Steam generator for industrial use, especially suitable for small installations.

This type of generator must have adequate water treatment equipment to avoid incrustations in the coils.

It is considered automatic indirect surveillance.

Productions from 1000kgV/h to 4000kgV/h.





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